
On Almost Sure Max-limit Theorems of Complete and Incomplete Samples from Stationary Sequences 被引量:2

On Almost Sure Max-limit Theorems of Complete and Incomplete Samples from Stationary Sequences
摘要 Let Mn denote the partial maximum of a strictly stationary sequence (Xn). Suppose some of the random variables of (Xn) can be observed and let Mn stand for the maximum of observed random variables from the set {X1,..., Xn}. In this paper, the almost sure limit theorems related to random vector (Mn, Mn) are considered in terms of i.i.d, case. The related results are also extended to weakly dependent stationary Gaussian sequence as its covariance function satisfies some regular conditions. Let Mn denote the partial maximum of a strictly stationary sequence (Xn). Suppose some of the random variables of (Xn) can be observed and let Mn stand for the maximum of observed random variables from the set {X1,..., Xn}. In this paper, the almost sure limit theorems related to random vector (Mn, Mn) are considered in terms of i.i.d, case. The related results are also extended to weakly dependent stationary Gaussian sequence as its covariance function satisfies some regular conditions.
出处 《Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第7期1323-1332,共10页 数学学报(英文版)
基金 Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 70371061) and the Program for Excellent Talents in Chongqing Higher Education Institutions (Grant No. 120060-20600204)Acknowledgements The authors would like to express their deep thanks to the referees for carefully reading the paper and for their comments which greatly improve the paper.
关键词 Almost sure limit theorem MAXIMUM missing observations stationary Caussian sequence Almost sure limit theorem, maximum, missing observations, stationary Caussian sequence
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