
系列组合拳,整治抗菌药物 被引量:6

Serial Strict Measures and Policies Proposed by the Ministry of Health to Manage and Regulate me Abuse of Antibacterial Agents
摘要 目的: 综述2011年卫生部采取的系列整治抗菌药物滥用的措施。方法:以2011年的会议为主线,按日期对卫生部出台的系列法规、办法和专项治理措施进行汇总。结果和结论:卫生部以2011年全国医疗工作会议为起始,拟在全国开展抗菌药物应用专项治理活动,活动的治理标准是正在征求意见的《医疗机构抗菌药物管理办法》,必将大大促进抗菌药物的合理使用。 Objective: To summarize the policies and measures regulating the abuse of antibacterial agents during 2011 by the Ministry of Health. Methods: All the regulations and measures were reviewed in order of their executed date. Regulls and e,o^luaion: Starting from the 2011 national medication working conference, Ministry of Health launched a special-purpose regulation against the abuse of antibacterials. The rules of the regulation is based on measures of antibacterial management in medical institution. The regulation will greatly enhance and improve the rational use of antibiotics.
作者 刘治军 胡欣
出处 《药品评价》 CAS 2011年第10期4-6,共3页 Drug Evaluation
关键词 抗菌药物 专项治理 管理办法 合理用药 Antibacterial Special-purpose regulate Management Rational drug utility
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