
美国离婚后的虚拟探望制度及其启示 被引量:2

On the System of Virtual Visitation in American Divorce and Its Implications
摘要 虚拟探望作为探望权行使的一种方式,在美国为异地而居的离婚父母和子女广泛使用,作为离婚后未与子女共同生活的非监护父、母与子女间现实探望的补充,在弥补现实探望被减少的缺憾、持续维持与增进子女与异地非监护父母之间的亲子关系以及刺激非监护父、母支付抚养费等方面都具有积极的作用与意义。在离婚率日益攀升和人口流动性日渐增强的我国社会,基于虚拟探望在促进离婚父、母与子女间的亲子情感利益上所具有的价值及功能,基于其实现的简易性和便利性,宜透过司法解释以例示方式规定,将其作为探望权行使的方式之一。 Virtual visitation,as a way of visitation,is broadly used by divorced parents and children who live in different city.It is of great significance for making up for the in-person parenting time limited,constantly keeping and promoting the parent-child relationship,stimulating non-custody parent to pay maintenance,which serves as a supplement for physical visitation.In our country,with the divorce rate rising and population mobility increasing,there will be more and more divorced parents and children living in separated place,virtual visitation is helpful for strengthening parenthood and is easy and convenient and instant for divorced parents and children to contact each other.So it is necessary to stipulate it in judicial interpretation by illustrative cases.
作者 陈思琴 李杨
机构地区 南昌航空大学
出处 《南昌航空大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第2期63-69,共7页 Journal of Nanchang Hangkong University(Social Sciences)
基金 南昌航空大学社科基金项目"离婚后亲子关系法律制度研究"(EA201114189)
关键词 虚拟探望 离婚父母 子女 virtual visitation divorce parent children
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