
微尺度乙醇扩散火焰特性的实验研究与数值解析 被引量:1

Experiment and numerical analysis of micro ethanol diffusion flame characteristics
摘要 以大空间中圆形陶瓷微管形成的液体乙醇扩散火焰为研究对象。用实验和数值解析的方法研究了微尺度液体乙醇扩散火焰的火焰结构和温度分布。实验证明,在喷管尺寸相同条件下液体乙醇流量增大,火焰温度随之升高,火焰体积增大。通过数值解析观察了火焰和微管内温度场分布以及微管内热质传递现象。数值解析结果与实验一致。 Tructure and temperature distribution of circular ceramic micro-tube liquid ethanol-air diffusion micro-flame in large space were investigated experimentally and numerically.Experiments confirmed that with the same size of the micro-tube liquid ethanol flow rate increasing,both the flame temperature and the flame volume subsequently increased One-step reaction model was used in ethanol-air combustion reactions in the numerical analysis.The calculation results were the same as them in experiments.And temperature distribution of flame and inner micro-tube were observed and the transport of mass and heat was found.
出处 《热科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 2011年第2期180-183,共4页 Journal of Thermal Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50806022) 2009年度华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费自主选题资助项目
关键词 微尺度燃烧 扩散火焰 液体乙醇 燃烧特性 micro-scale diffusion flame liquid ethanol combustion characteristics
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