
成就目标启动对风险偏好的调节作用 被引量:5

The Effect of Unconscious Achievement Goals on Risk-Preference
摘要 新近研究发现,目标可以在无意识的条件下被激活并自动地引导行为以达成目标,但其内部机制尚不清楚。本研究试图考察风险偏好是否受无意识目标调节。实验采用问卷作为启动刺激,分别启动被试追求成功的目标与避免失败的目标,并在收益框架下和损失框架下测量被试的风险偏好。结果发现:在收益框架下,受到追求成功目标启动的被试比受到避免失败目标启动的被试更加偏好风险;而在损失框架下,两组被试间未发现显著差异。上述结果表明自动激活的成就目标可以影响个体的风险偏好,使个体面对风险情境时能做出更合适的行为以达成目标,即对风险偏好的调节是无意识目标自动影响行为的途径之一。 It has been found that goals can be activated without awareness ,and the goal pursuit also can operate beyond conscious awareness. However, the mechanism of this unconscious goal-directed behavior is still unclear. The present study explored whether unconscious goals can influence risk-preference. Subjects were primed with a goal either to pursue success or to avoid failure, and then their risk-preference was measured. The results re- vealed a significant effect of unconscious goals on risk-preference. In the gain situation, the subjects who were primed to pursue success showed more risk-seeking than those who were primed to avoid failure;however in the loss situation,there was no significant difference be- tween these two groups. These results implied that risk- preference plays an important intermediary role in the automatic goal-directd behavior.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2011年第1期77-82,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 教育部博士点基金(J20100014)
关键词 无意识目标 成就动机 风险偏好 unconscious goals, achievementgoals, risk-preference
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