
本体认知视角下的大学英语合作学习 被引量:1

An Ontological Cognitive Study of Collaborative Learning of College English
摘要 通过内省与案例分析,以大学英语合作学习为例,从本体认知的角度,探讨合作学习中参与者本体意识的作用与重要性。研究发现:(1)大学英语合作学习中,共享意识并非起到决定作用;(2)本体意识与共享意识相互关联,但本体意识起主导作用;(3)本体意识与共享意识的相互作用是通过参与者对合作小组的本体意识的输入来完成的。 Overseas Researches on collaborative learning have shifted from the shared knowledge awareness(SKA)to the ontological awareness(OA),and from the superficial analysis to its internal mechanism.By comparison,the domestic research is mainly confined to the SKA,neglecting the OA.By introspection and case study,this paper focuses on the ontological cognition of collaboration in college English learning,and examines the importance of participant’s OA in cooperation.The results indicate that: the SKA is not the decisive element in cooperative college English learning;the OA interacted with SKA plays the dominant role;and the interaction of the OA and the SKA is enforced by inputting the OA into cooperative groups.
出处 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 2011年第4期99-103,共5页 Journal of Ningbo University(Educational Science Edition)
基金 2010宁波市教育科学规划课题(YGH069)
关键词 本体研究 合作学习 大学英语 本体意识 ontological study collaborative learning college English ontological awareness
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