
裙式吸力基础水平承载力影响因素的数值分析 被引量:2

Numerical Analysis on Factors Affecting Horizontal Bearing Capacity of Skirted Suction Foundation
摘要 近年来,吸力基础已在各种悬浮结构、海洋平台锚固装置和离岸风电场工程中得到成功应用。重点研究离岸风电场新型裙式吸力基础的水平承载力,分析设置接触面对结构水平位移的影响、裙式基础的尺寸比变化等因素对水平承载力的影响。数值分析结果表明,通过增加裙式基础的高度能有效提高基础的水平承载力。 For recent years,suction foundation is successfully applied in various floating structures,anchoring device of marine platforms and offshore wind farm projects.The emphases are to research horizontal bearing capacity of new skirted suction foundation in offshore wind farm,analyze the impact on horizontal structure displacement by setting interface parameters and changing diameter ratio of skirted suction foundation etc.The numerical analyzing result proves that the horizontal bearing capacity may be effectively enhanced by heightening skirted suction foundation.
作者 王梅 李大勇
出处 《港工技术》 2011年第3期51-53,共3页 Port Engineering Technology
基金 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2009FM003)
关键词 离岸风电场 裙式吸力基础 水平承载力 尺寸比 offshore wind farm skirted suction foundation horizontal bearing capacity dimension ratio
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