简要介绍CMMB信号市-县传输的必要性并提出几种方案,重点对利用数字电视骨干传输网络解决该问题的CQoH方案进行论述。分析采用基于MPEG-2的数字电视通用设备解决CMMB PMS码流传输遇到的问题和解决方法,最后提出对设备研发的一些建议。
At the beginning,this article introduces the necessity for CMMB signal transmission of City-County,then proposes several plans,focusing on discussing using digital TV backbone transmission network to solve this problem by CQoH scheme.In addition,the advantages and disadvantages of the scheme,the problems and solutions when CMMB PMS stream is transmitted by universal equipment based on MPEG-2 are described,and some recommendations on equipment R D is also mentioned in the article.
China Digital Cable TV