Objective To investigate the characteristics of the cognitive impairment in patients with different clinical types of first-- ever lacunar infarction. Methods Neuropsychological evaluation was conducted within one week (4. 70 ± 1. 70 days) after lacunar infarction for 91 patients. 25/91 (27.47%) are pure motor hemiparesis(PMH), 13/91 (14.29%) are pure sensory stroke(PSS), 17/91 (18.68 % ) are sensorimotor stroke(SMS), 15/91 (16.48%) are ataxic-- hemiparesis (AH) and dysarthric -- clumsy hand syndrome (DCHS), 21/91 ( 23. 08 ~ ) are atypical lacunar syndrome. The comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation battery included mini--mental state examination,Chinese version of Wech- sler adult intelligence scale(digit span, picture arrangement, digit sign and block design), World Health Organization university of California--Los Angeles auditory verbal learning test (WHO--UCLA AV- LT),Rey complex figure test, stroop test, semantic category verbal fluency test, California card sorting test and clock drawing test. The cognitive impairment was contrasted with different clinical types. Results The most cognitive domain scores in patients with SMS were the worst in all clinical types. In WHO--UCLA AVLT (F = 4. 074,P = 0. 005) and recognition (F = 2. 952,P = 0. 024), SMS scored worse than other clinical types,particularly PSS and AH/DCHS. SMS scored worse than PMH in some executive function,visuospatial and visuo--constructive function. The difference was statistically significant (P〈0.05). Conclusions The cognitive impairment of sensorimotor stroke(SMS) lacunar infarcts needed more attention and intervention.
Journal of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Brain infarction
Cognition disorders
Neuropsychological tests