
Product of Functions in BMO and H1 in Non-homogeneous Spaces

Product of Functions in BMO and H1 in Non-homogeneous Spaces
摘要 Under the assumption that the underlying measure is a non-negative Radon measure which only satisfies some growth condition and may not be doubling, we define the product of functions in the regular BMO and the atomic block -~1 in the sense of distribution, and show that this product may be split into two parts, one in L1 and the other in some Hardy-Orlicz space. Under the assumption that the underlying measure is a non-negative Radon measure which only satisfies some growth condition and may not be doubling, we define the product of functions in the regular BMO and the atomic block -~1 in the sense of distribution, and show that this product may be split into two parts, one in L1 and the other in some Hardy-Orlicz space.
作者 Justin FEUTO
机构地区 Universitd de Cocody
出处 《Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第8期1535-1546,共12页 数学学报(英文版)
关键词 Local Hardy space local BMO space atomic block BLOCK non-doubling measure Hardy- Orlicz space Local Hardy space, local BMO space, atomic block, block, non-doubling measure, Hardy- Orlicz space
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