
履行保护责任:规范实施与观念塑造 被引量:4

Implementing the Responsibility to Protect:Actualization of Rules and Shaping of Ideas
摘要 在现代国际社会里,保护国内人民是主权国家所承担的重大责任,当主权国家不能或不愿承担这一责任时,国际社会就应承担起保护国内人民的责任。由于保护责任机制尚处于萌芽和发展之中,并且缺乏有效实施的动力,保护责任机制首先应建立在必要的共识观念和现有的规范基础上。在效果和目的导向上,保护责任机制应当形成恰当的因果信念和分析方法,以便在个案中发现和提供最适宜的保护行动内容和方式等。为解决保护责任机制的实施动力问题,应当在逐步确立和发展主权国家所承担的"对一切"义务的观念与规范的基础上,相应地确立国际社会整体对主权国家及其人民所承担的法定的"保护责任"的观念与规范,使保护责任机制在国际社会的纵向一体化过程中获得实施动力。 Sovereignty state should bear the responsibility to protect its people.If a country cannot or will not protect its citizens,international community should offer and undertake the responsibility to protect.As the mechanism of the responsibility to protect has been sprouting and developing,and it has been lack of dynamical,the mechanism of the responsibility to protect should be established on the basis of shared idea and existing norm.In the aspect of effect and purpose direction,proper causality idea and analysis method should be formed,so as to find out and offer the most proper content and way of protection action in the separate case.To solve dynamical of the mechanism of the responsibility to protect,on the basis of gradually developing idea and norm on "obligation erga omnes" undertaken by sovereignty state for whole international community,we should gradually develop idea and norm on "the responsibility to protect" legally undertaken by whole international community for sovereignty state and its people,so that we can make the mechanism of the responsibility to protect generate dynamical of implement in the course of international community gradually developing towards integration and whole.
作者 赵洲
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期109-116,共8页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科基金一般项目"我国政府参与全球性治理若干法律问题研究"(10BFX098) 博士科研启动基金资助项目"国家主权与责任平衡融合的国际法机制和理论研究"
关键词 保护责任 人权 观念 国际社会 responsibility to protect human rights idea international community
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