
冲激脉冲辐射天线在生物组织中聚焦特性的仿真分析 被引量:1

Simulation Analysis on Focusing Properties of Impulse Radiated Antenna in Biological Tissue
摘要 通过特殊设计的超宽带冲激脉冲辐射天线(IRA)将高强度ps电场脉冲靶向聚焦于肿瘤组织,可以在ps电场脉冲的作用下诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡,从而实现肿瘤的无创治疗。为此,充分考虑无创治疗的实际情况,分别通过Ansoft HFSS软件仿真和建立数学模型的手段,以生物组织内的皮下肿瘤为靶向目标,对冲激脉冲辐射天线在生物组织中聚焦特性进行了研究。研究发现:冲激脉冲辐射天线辐射ps电场脉冲在生物组织靶向焦点区域聚焦时,在空间上,ps电场脉冲分散分布在x轴远离靶向焦点的区域;在时间上,ps电场脉冲到达x轴聚焦时具有较大的时间差,从而难以在生物组织内形成有效聚焦。为了改善ps电场脉冲在生物组织中的聚焦效果,从理论分析以及公式推导发现:可在天线内填充与生物组织介电常数相近的耦合介质来解决冲激脉冲辐射天线与生物组织的匹配,以实现ps电场脉冲在生物组织内的有效聚焦。 When high intensity picosecond electric pulse was focused on the tumor tissue by using impulse radiating antenna(IRA), the targeted tumor cells could be induced to apoptosis to realize noninvasive treatment. We took subcutaneous tumor as the subject to study focusing properties of the prolate spheroidal IRA (PSIRA) in biological tissue on the basis of considering the practical applications adequately. The simulations and analyses of the mathematical model show that the picosecond pulse radiated by PSIRA from the air to the biological tissue is too dispersive in both time and space to focus on. So, an idea of filling PSIRA with the medium of similar permittivity is proposed to improve the focusing effects, and is identified bv simulation.
出处 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期1787-1792,共6页 High Voltage Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(50877083) 中央高校基本科研业务费(CDJZR10150008)~~
关键词 冲激脉冲辐射天线(IRA) ps电场脉冲 聚焦 生物组织 无创治疗 耦合介质 impulse radiating antenna(IRA) picosecond electric pulses focusing biological tissue noninvasivetreatment medium
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