目的 观察腹腔镜胆囊切除术后气腹存留时限。方法 对40 例腹腔镜胆囊切除术患者术后进行连续腹部X线平片观察,并与同期40 例开腹胆囊切除术患者对照。结果 腹腔镜胆囊切除术后气腹存留时限为(1.78±0.68)天,4 天内均完全吸收,开腹胆囊切除术后气腹存留时限为(8.65±2.05)天,完全吸收时限为5~15 天。结论 腹腔镜胆囊切除组术后气腹存留时限明显短于开腹胆囊切除术组( P< 0.001),这对于术后的临床观察有指导意义。
Objective The period ofgaspresence in abdom en aftercholecystectom y by laparo- scopic oropen approach wasstudied. Methods SerialX-ray film softheabdom en following the pro- cedures w ere taken for observation in each 40 cases after laparoscopic or open cholecystectom y (LC or OC). Results In LCgas could be detected on 1.78±0.68 days w ith com plete absorption in 4 days. While in OCthatlasted for 8.65±2.05 days and absorbed within 5~15 days. Conclusion Postoperative pneum operitoneum lasted significantly shorter following LCthan OC.
Chinese Journal of Digestive Endoscopy