Objective: To study the factors of cough variant asthma(CVA) misdiagnosed in chi1dren. Methods: 44 clinical cases with cough variant asthma misdiagnosed in our hospital during the years 1996 to 1998 were analysed. Re-sults: COugh variant asthma in children was usually taken for upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, mycoplas-mal pneumonia, whooping-cough and tuberculosis of bronchial lymph nodes in diagnosis. The misdiagnosis ex-tremely affected the therapy of CVA. Conclusion: People's know ledge of cough variant asthma should be en-hanced. Great attention should be paid to this disease. Children with chronic cough and no pulmonary signs and ahistory of less than 4 weeks should receive regular CVA treatment and follow-up after other diseases were ruled-out.