目的通过对国内1990-2009年发表的生产性噪声与女工月经影响的研究结果进行Meta分析,提供噪声与女工痛经因果关系的线索,进一步确定噪声与女工痛经的关联。方法应用Meta分析方法,对从中国知网以及万方数据库检索到的相关文献运用Mantel-Haenszel法和DerSimonian and Laird法进行分析。结果分析结果显示,噪声与女工痛经有关联,合并OR值为2.22(95%CI:1.70~2.88)。结论噪声对女工月经有不良影响,应有针对性的对女工进行防护。
Objective To make a meta-analysis of the literatures published since 1990 about the epidemiologic studies of the relationship between noise and dysmenorrhea, and try to find hints on the correlation for further determina- tion of association. Methods The selected articles in CNKI were analyzed by Mantel-Haenszel and DerSimonian and Laird methods of meta-analysis. Results Results showed that there exist a correlation between noise and dysmenorrhea, the combined value of OR was 2.22(95 % CI : 1.70--2.88). Conclusions Noise exposure shows adverse effect on dysmenorrhea, we should strengthen the prevention of female workers.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention