The Act on Choice of Law for Torts and Other Non-Contractual Claims, the first attempt to codify tort conflicts by the State of Oregon with common law tradition, represents the latest achievement in tort conflicts in America. On the basis of empirical analysis, the Act has offered a clear delineation of its own characteristics, thus enabling the legislation and research of conflict of laws to gain momentum. On the basis of comparative law, the Act has constructed its own body of rules highlighting the values of balance, independence and rationality. Moreover, by abandoning open-ended approach and instead, taking the form of choice-of-law rules, the Act has established the principle of division between the conduct-regulating rule and loss-distributing rule, which is supported by the substantive law of torts and its two fundamental objectives --deterrence and compensation. Through the establishment of the rules of lex loci delicti, party autono- my, the law of the common domicile, and the "most appropriate" principle, the Act has also incorporated the substantive justice into its search for conflicts justice, and tried to restore a proper equilibrium between the certainty and flexibility of the law.
Global Law Review