作者对福建农业大学60岁以上(含60岁) 老年知识分子进行了营养调查,结果表明:(1)每人每日热量和VB2摄入量基本达到供给量标准要求(分别达到91.2% 和98.3% );Ca 和VB1摄入不足(分别为66.5% 和87.5% );蛋白质、Fe、VC、视黄醇摄入量均超过供给量标准;蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化物的热量构成比例为18.7% 、23.6% 、57.7% .(2) 体格及生化检查表明仅61% 的男性和57% 女性在正常体重范围内,高脂血症患者36.8% 、高血压26.5% ,常见病为脂肪肝、高血压、冠心病和胃病.
The result of nutrition survey of intellectuals over sixty years old in Fujian Agricultural University were as follows: (1) The daily average intakes of energy and V B2 (91.2% and 98.3%, respectively) amounted to recommended daily allowance (RDA); The intakes of calcium and V B1 (66.5% and 87.5%,respectively)were not sufficent, and the intakes of protein,iron,V C,retinol surpassed the RDA; The energy proportion of protein, fat and carbonhydrate were 18.7%, 23.6% and 57.7% respectively. (2) The physical and biochemical tests indicated that the body weight of 61% men and 57% women were normal. The nummber of people suffering hyperlipidemia and hypwetension reached 36.8% and 26.5% respectively. The common diseases the people often suffered included fatty liver, hypertension, coronary heart disease and gastric disease.
Journal of Fujian Agricultural University