通过定田、同品种、同时、同方法、同步调查观察,结果表明,直播稻、抛秧稻和移栽稻病虫 害发生种类基本相同,发生量和为害程度有一定的差异,多种病虫害发生和为害程度为直播稻重于抛秧稻,抛秧稻又重于移栽稻。早稻抛秧稻病虫为害程度与不同育秧方式和秧苗素质有关,适量施用钾肥能提高稻株抗病虫能力,减轻稻纹枯病和稻飞虱等的为害。直播晚粳稻植株密度,会影响病虫害的发生程度。根据轻简栽培水稻病虫发生特点,应加强综合防治力度,有效地控制病 虫为害。
By means of standard investigation methods(the same field, variety, time, and method), the results showed that there were were the same in terms of the pests species among the directs seedling, broadcast seedling and transplanting rice cultivating technigques.Some differences were existed for the pests occurrence and damage degree among three cultivating methods. In general, pests were more serious on the direct seeding rice than broadcast seedling rice, than transplanting rice. me pests damage degree on the early season broadcast seedling rice was closely related to the seedling techniques and quality. It could improve the rice plants resistance to pests and reduce the damage by rice sheath blight and brown planthopper to use potash fertilizer properly. The crop density degree would effect the pests occurrence in the late season direct seedling rice field. According to the occurrence pattern of rice pests by the simple and labor saving cultivating techniques, a system of integrated pests management was put forward.
Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
simple and labor saving cultivation
rice pests
occurrence pattern