

Effect of Gravity Level on Flow Pattern of Thermocapillary-Buoyant Convection
摘要 为了了解重力水平对环形液池内热毛细-浮力对流耗散结构的影响,利用有限容积法进行了非稳态三维数值模拟,环形液池外壁被加热,内壁被冷却,流体为0.65cSt硅油,其Pr数为6.7。结果表明,在微重力条件下,流动为三维振荡流动;当重力水平增加到0.1go时,流动结构转化为沿周向运动的一组滚胞,其轴线与温度梯度方向一致;当重力水平增加到0.5go时,流型则为一组静止的滚胞;当重力水平继续增加到3go时,流动转变为稳定流动。 In order to understand the effect of gravity level on the flow pattern of thermocapillary- buoyant convection in an annular pool, a series of unsteady three-dimensional numerical simulations were carried out with finite-volume method. The pool was filled with the 0.65cSt silicone oil (Prandtl number Pr----6.7), and heated from the outer cylindrical wall and cooled at the inner wall. The simulation results show that the three-dimensional oscillatory flow appeared at micro-gravity. When g=O.lgo, the flow pattern transits extended roll cells travelling in the azimuthal direction. If the gravity level increases to 0.Sgo, the stable three-dimensional flow happened. Further, at g=3.0go, the thermocapillary-buoyant convection transits the steady axially symmetric flow.
出处 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期1269-1272,共4页 Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.50776102) 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(No.CDJXS10142224) 重庆大学"211工程"三期创新人才培养计划建设项目(No.S-09101)
关键词 数值模拟 流型 热毛细-浮力对流 环形液池 numerical simulation flow pattern thermocapillary-buoyant convection annular pool
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