报道了桃树[ Prunus percica Batsch(L)]23 个品种花粉发生发育和花粉败育过程中细胞形态学上的变化特征。桃雄性不育的主要表现形式为空粒花粉和花药空囊,及花粉形似发育正常,但生活力极低。导致空粒花粉产生的主要途径:①花粉母细胞减数分裂不正常;②花粉处于单核晚期———二核早、中期绒毡层细胞发生液化、增生现象。空囊产生的主要途径:①四分体———单核早期绒毡层细胞体积发生明显的增大、液化;②绒毡层细胞在四分体———单核早期发生增生;③造胞细胞或花粉母细胞生长发育不良。
Reports cell morphological characteristics in 23 peach breeds in the course of generating and developing of pollen. Empty grain pollen, empty sac anther syst and pollen seeming normal in appearance with low viability are chief phenotypes of male sterility in peach. Generating ways of empty grain pollen are: ① abnormal meiosis of pollen mother cell. ② liquidizing and hyperplasia of tapetum cells in the single nucleus later period to the double nuclei early, middle period. Empty systs were generated in the following way: ①obvious enlarging and liquidizing of tapetum cells in the tetrad to the single nucleus early period. ② tapetum cell hyperplasia from the tetrad to the single nucleus early period. ③ unhealthy growth and development of sporogenous cells or pollen mother cell.
Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis