
关于国际贸易三种发展趋势的思考 被引量:1

摘要 随着生产力的高度发展,国际分工的不断深化以及信息技术产业的迅速扩展,世界经济越来越成为不可分割的整体,各国对外开放和贸易自由化已经成为国际贸易发展的大趋势。而在追求贸易自由化的过程中,陆续出现了双边主义、区域主义和多边主义的不同主张。本文拟对这三种不同主张的发展历史以及它们对国际贸易产生的不同影响进行深入探讨。
作者 邱嘉锋
出处 《经济学动态》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期69-74,共6页 Economic Perspectives
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  • 1WTO官方网站:http ://www. wto. org/english/tratop e/region e/summary-e, xls计算.
  • 2Shang-Jin Wei & J. A. Frankel ( 1998), "Open regionalism in a world of continental trade blocs", IMF Staff Papers 45(3), p. 452.
  • 3WTO官方网站:http ://www. wto. org/english/tratop_e/region_e/summary- e. xls计算整理.
  • 4J, Bhagwati ( 1990), " Departures from multilateralism.. Regionalism and aggressive unilateralism", The Economic Journal, 100(Dec), p. 1304.
  • 5刘建飞.简析多边主义的历史演变[J].国际政治研究,2006,27(1):122-132. 被引量:19
  • 6Members and Observers, World Trade Organization, http://www, wto. org/english/thewto _ e/whatis _ e/tif _ e/ org6_e, htm.
  • 7刘昌黎.世界双边自由贸易发展的原因特点与我国的对策[J].世界经济研究,2005(4):4-10. 被引量:29
  • 8苑涛.《解读WTO"贸易救济措施"》,http://www. cacs. gov. cn/DefaultWebApp/showNews, jsp? ne- wsld-- 201190000102,2004 - 07- 06.
  • 9农业贸易促进中心.《WTO框架下食品贸易技术壁垒解析》,http://www.aweb.com.e,n,2006-7-24.


  • 1舒建中.鲁杰“多边主义”理论述评[J].国际论坛,2005,7(1):53-57. 被引量:6
  • 2人民网,http://www.people.com.cn/GB/guandian/28/2002-08-23/806174.html.
  • 3《胡锦涛:提高构建社会主义和谐社会的能力》.《人民日报》,2005年06月27日,第一版.
  • 4梅孜编译.《美国国家安全战略报告汇编》[R].时事出版社,1996年版.第209页.
  • 5阙勋吾主编.《简明历史辞典》.河南人民出版社,1982年版.第599页.
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  • 7Graham Evans and Jeffrey Newnham, The Penguin Dictionary of International Relations, London: Penguin Books, 1998, p.90.p.340.
  • 8Robert S. McNamara and James G. Blight, Wilson's Ghost: Reducing the Risk of Conflict, Killing, and Catastrophe in the 21st Century, New York: Public Affairs, 2001, p. 19.
  • 9Robert S. McNamara and James G. Blight, Wilson's Ghost: Reducing the Risk of Conflict, Killing, and Catastrophe in the 21st Century, p. 7.
  • 10中华人民共和国外交部网站.www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/zxxx/t127975.htm.



  • 1See, e.g. , Anne-Marie Slaughter, A New World Order, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2004,pp. 12-13.
  • 2Robert O. Keohane, After He-gemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2005, pp. 6,10-11.
  • 3Scott Barrett and Robert Stavins, Increasing Participation and Compliance in Interna- tional Climate Change Agreements, International Environmental Agreements : Politics, Law and Economics, Vol. 3,2003, pp. 351-353.
  • 4Eric A. Poser & Alan O. Sykes, International Law and the Limits of Macroeconomic Cooperation, Southern California LawReview, Vol. 81 Issue 5, 2013.
  • 5See Robert C. Ellickson, Oder without Law: How Neighbors Settle Disputes, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994, pp. 130-131.
  • 6See Eric A. Poser & Alan O. Sykes, International Law and the Limits of Macroeconomic Cooperation, Southern Califor- nia Law Review, gol. 86 Issue 5,2013.
  • 7Joseph M. Grieeo, Anarchy and the Limits of Cooperation: a Realist Cri- tique of the Newest Liberal Insttutionalism, International Organization, 42, 3, summer 1988, p. 497.
  • 8Helen Milner, International Theories of Cooperation among Nations: Strengths and Weaknesses, World Politics, Vol. 44, No. 3, 1992, p. 471.
  • 9Simon Lester and Inu Barbee, the Challenge of Cooperation: Regulatory Trade Barriers in the Transatlantic Trade and In- vestment Partnership, Journal of International Economic Law , Vol. 15, 2013,pp. 856-859.
  • 10Eric A. Posner and Alan O. Sykes, International Law and the Limits of Macroeconomic Cooperation, Southern Califor- nia Law Review, Vol. 86, lssue 5, 2013, pp. 1031- 1032.










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