北美樱桃核桧于1987 年引入呼和浩特市树木园,经10a 的引种驯化与3a的无性繁殖试验,证明该树种比当地其他柏类树种更耐旱、耐寒,无病虫害,生长旺盛。经分析北美樱桃核桧生长规律吻合于指数增长方程。10 年生平均树高2 .5 m ,最高达3 .2 m ,针叶呈淡蓝灰绿色,冠形优美,为温带半干旱地区庭院、街道、公园等地绿化的优良新树种。本文着重报道了其生态习性、引种驯化与栽培管理及扦插繁殖技术。
Juniperus monosperma was introduced into Huhhot arboretum in 1987.By 10a domestication and 3a clone breeding experiments,it was proved that the drought resistance and cold resistance of this tree species were stronger than the local cypresses,the species had no diseases and insect pests and grew luxuriantly.The growing regularity of Juniperus monosperma was identical with index increment equation.The average height was 2.5 m for 10a Juniperus monosperma stands and the tallest tree was 3.2m,the color of needle leaves appeared pale blue greyish green,the canopy shape was beautiful,this tree species was worthy of fine greening tree species for gardens,streets,parks and other places in temperate semi arid regions.The ecological habits,domestication,cultivation management and breeding techniques of cuttings of Juniperus monosperma were reported in this paper.
Liaoning Forestry Science and Technology