
知识产权冲突法的实证分析 被引量:1

Empirical Analysis of the Conflict of Laws of Intellectual Property
摘要 在发达且频繁的国际经贸交往情形下,传统的知识产权跨国诉讼模式已经很难适应知识产权国际保护的新需要。变革传统制度的要求,就是扩大法院在涉外知识产权领域的管辖权。知识产权冲突法的实证还表现在一些内国法院纷纷适用外国的知识产权法。我国立法应区分知识产权案件与普通民商事案件的差别,除完善现有知识产权法律适用规则外,还应创制专门的涉外知识产权司法管辖规则。 Under the situation of so developed and so frequent international business and economics communication, traditional mode of transnational intellectual property litigation became difficult to adapt to the new needs of international protection of intellectual property. The reform of traditional system focuses mainly on the expansion of national fora' s jurisdiction over foreign-related intellectual property cases. The real evidence also finds expression in some national fora' s applying foreign intellectual property laws. The legislation of our country ought to perfect present law-applying lades to intellectual property and also create special rules tojurisdiction over foreign - related intellectual property cases.
作者 杨长海
出处 《广西政法管理干部学院学报》 2011年第4期84-88,113,共6页 Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law
基金 作者主持的教育部人文社会科学研究基金项目"知识产权冲突法若干前沿问题研究"(10YJA820122)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 知识产权 冲突法 管辖权 法律适用 intellectual property conflict of laws jurisdiction law application
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