
钇替代镧对La-Mg-Ni系储氢合金晶体结构及其电化学性能的影响 被引量:4

Effect of Substituting Yttrium for Lanthanum on Crystal Structure and Electrochemical Properties of La-Mg-Ni Hydrogen Storage Alloy
摘要 通过少量Y对La的取代,研究了La0.75-xYxMg0.25Ni3.17Al0.13和La0.75-xYxMg0.25Ni3.37Al0.13(其中x=0.00,0.05,0.10)体系中Y对合金晶体结构及电化学性能的影响。通过X射线衍射实验、电化学性能测试,结果表明上述两体系主相为Ce2Ni7相、Pr5Co19相。少量的取代对活化性能、最大放电容量影响不大,但对循环稳定性、放氢平台压影响显著,而且在不同主相结构中,影响效果不一样。当x从0.00增大到0.10时:主相为Ce2Ni7相La0.75-xYxMg0.25Ni3.17Al0.13的S80%由222周下降到112周,放氢平台压则由0.015 MPa上升到0.045 MPa;而主相为Pr5Co19相La0.75-xYxMg0.25Ni3.37Al0.13的S80%由172周下降到127周,放氢平台压则由0.019 MPa上升到0.076 MPa。 The effects of partially substituting Y for La on the crystal structure as well as on the electrochemical properties of the La0.75-xYxMg0.25Ni3.17Al0.13 and La0.75-xYxMg0.25Ni3.37Al0.13(x=0.00,0.05,0.10) were investigated by means of powder X-ray diffraction(XRD) and electrochemical measurements.The XRD results suggested that the La0.75-xYxMg0.25Ni3.17Al0.13 were mainly composed of Ce2Ni7-type structure,while the La0.75-xYxMg0.25Ni3.37Al0.13 were mainly composed of Pr5Co19-type structure.By the partially substitution,the activity times and discharge capacity were changed slightly.The Y substitution for La would deteriorate the cycle stability,but raise the desorbing plateau pressure,and the effects of those alterations were different in each structure.In La0.75-xYxMg0.25Ni3.17Al0.13(Ce2Ni7-type),the S80% decreased from 222 cycles(x=0.00) to 112 cycles(x=0.10),whereas the desorbing plateau pressure rose from 0.015 MPa(x=0.00) to 0.045 MPa(x=0.10) accordingly.In La0.75-xYxMg0.25Ni3.37Al0.13(Pr5Co19-type),the S80% decreased from 172 cycles(x=0.00) to 127 cycles(x=0.10),whereas the desorbing plateau pressure rose from 0.019 MPa(x=0.00) to 0.076 MPa(x=0.10) accordingly.
出处 《中国稀土学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期484-489,共6页 Journal of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)资助项目(2009AA03Z230)
关键词 La-Mg-Ni系储氢合金 循环稳定性 P-C-T曲线 晶体结构 稀土 La-Mg-Ni hydrogen storage alloy cycle stability P-C-T curves crystal structure rare earths
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