目的:通过对实验数据进行分析,在国内专家提出的适合中国人群使用的Sysm ex XE-2100自动血细胞分析和白细胞涂片复检规则的基础上,提出适合于赣州地区人群使用的XE-2100血细胞涂片复检规则。方法:采用XE-2100五分群全自动血细胞分析仪,随机检测患者标本1 820份,同时将血液涂片染色后做显微镜检查,按照国内专家提出的适合中国人群使用的血细胞复检规则,自行拟定的筛选方案和涂片镜检阳性标准进行评估,计算出真阳性、假阳性、真阴性、假阴性和涂片复检率,并筛选出最佳方案。结果:采用修改后的复检规则(方案5)对1820份标本的数据进行分析,真阳性率为10.22%(186/1 820),假阳性率为25.33%(461/1 820),真阴性率为60.66%(1 104/1 820),假阴性率为3.79%(69/1 820)。结论:制定出合理适用的血细胞计数和白细胞分类涂片复检规则,在提高工作效率的同时,又可以保证检测结果的质量。
Objective:To find out the suitable hematology review criteria for Ganzhou population via the analysis of experimental data from Sysmex XE-2100 hematology analyzer.Methods:The total 1 820 patient samples were randomly detected with automated hematology analyzer XE-2100 and blood smear was reviewed including observation of cell morphology and manual WBC differential analysis.Base on hematology review criteria suggested by international consensus group.The true positive ratio(TP),the false positive ratio(FP),the true negative ratio(TN)and the false negative ratio(FN)as well as the prevalence for smear review were evaluated,and the optimal program was finalized.Results:The 1 820 specimen data were analyzed by using the revised review criteria(Chapter V) and the microscopic smear review.The TP,FP,TN,and FN were 10.22%(186/1 820),25.33%(461/1 820),60.66(1 104/1 820) and 3.79%(69/1 820) accordingly.Conclusions:It's very important in establishing the applied criteria for slide review following automated CBC and WBC differential analysis to assure quality of hematology results.It can enhance work efficiency and reduce unnecessary labor consuming.