
骨盆骨折并发症的诊治 被引量:3

Management for complications after pelvic fracture
摘要 骨盆骨折常常由强大暴力所致,而不稳定型骨盆骨折是一种威胁生命的创伤。其威胁不但来源于骨折部位大量出血和休克等,也与各种骨盆骨折并发症有关。因此,骨盆骨折伤员的处置范围远远超出了骨折本身的复位和固定,涉及到多学科的创伤学处置。作者根据临床救治经验和文献复习,重点探讨了几种常见的以及虽少见但容易忽略的并发症,强调及时发现和正确处置并发症往往是成功救治的基础。 Pelvic fractures are frequently caused by great violence.A severe or unstable pelvic fracture is a life-threatening injury.Not only the shock and the haemorrage from the broken bones,but also other complications after the pelvic fractures could lead to increasing the mortality.Obviously,the range of managements of pelvic fracture is far beyond the fracture reduction and fixation,and it involves of multidiscipline traumatic managements.On the basis of literature review and the author's experiences,several usual and unusual complications are reviewed and discussed.The author emphasizes that early recognition and management of those complications is vital to trauma care after pelvic fractures.
作者 沈岳
出处 《创伤外科杂志》 2011年第4期383-384,共2页 Journal of Traumatic Surgery
关键词 骨盆骨折 并发症 救治 pelvic fractures complications care
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