2009年用大田小区试验,探讨了无机肥料氮的不同减氮施肥方式对烤烟氮素吸收利用的影响.结果表明:(1)对比传统施肥(T1,N=108.00 kg/hm2,基追比7∶3),高追肥比例的减氮施肥处理(T4,N=48.00 kg/hm2,基追比7∶3)有促进烤烟后期0~20 cm耕层土壤硝态氮积累作用;(2)减氮施肥条件下(N=48.00 kg/hm2),基肥一次性供氮(T2)或高基肥比例的无机肥料氮处理(T3,基追比7∶3)无抑制烤烟氮吸收作用(P〉0.05),但T4处理显著抑制了烤烟的氮吸收(P〈0.01);(3)减氮施肥条件下,T2,T3处理均可提高烤烟氮肥利用率和氮素农学利用率(P〈0.01),对降低烤烟产量、产值作用不明显(P〉0.05);T4处理不利于烤烟对氮素的利用率,并会降低烤烟产量和产值(P〉0.05);(4)试验供氮范围内,减施无机肥料氮对烤烟内在化学品质没有显著影响.从试验结果看,基肥一次性供氮或70%无机肥料氮作基施的减氮施肥处理(N=48.00 kg/hm2)有效地提高了烤烟的氮肥利用效率.
To study on the different methods of reducing fertilizer nitrogen for N absorption and utilization of flue-cured tobacco in a field experiment was in 2009.The result showed that:(1) Compared with custom of farmers used N-fertilization(T1,N=108kg/hm2),the soil's supplying nitrogen capacity at late growth period of tobacco was promoted evidently with the N-fertilization reduced 55%(T4,N=48 kg/hm2) under 70% of fertilizer applied as top dressing;(2) Under all(T2) or 70% of artificial nitrogen(T3) applied as basal,nitrogen uptake by tobacco was not restrained significantly from reducing fertilizer(N=48kg/hm2) compared with T1(N=108kg/hm2) treat;on the condition with 70% of artificial nitrogen applied as top dressing,N absorption of tobacco can be inhibited from reducing fertilizer significantly under the same amount of N application;(3) Tobacco nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen agronomic efficiency can be enhanced drastically from reducing fertilizer in treat of T2 and T3,respectively,and there was also no decreased of yield and output value of tobacco.While 70% of fertilizer applied as top dressing in treatment of T4,it can be seen that tobacco yield and output value declined evidently from reducing fertilizer,because of the decreasing of nitrogen uptake by tobacco;(4) Followed with the increased of total nicotine of tobacco,tobacco total sugar and reducing sugar were decreased evidently with the increment of top dressing proportion.However,the sensory quality of flue-cured tobacco was not affected significantly.It was suggested that the needs of tobacco nitrogen nutrition can be provided effectively from reducing fertilizer under all or 70% of artificial nitrogen applied as basal.
Journal of Kunming University
flue-cured tobacco
base fertilizer
top dressing
nitrogen uptake
nitrogen utilization