
高职旅游及酒店管理专业课程作业的设计、布置与评价 被引量:1

The Design,Assignment and Assessment of the Assignments for Tourism and Hotel Management Majors in Vocational Colleges
摘要 专业课程作业是对课堂教学内容的回顾、思考。通过作业,可检查学生学习的态度,检查学生学习的主动性和思维的创造性。本文以作业为题,试从专业课程作业与专业学科传统作业的区别及特点;专业课程作业的设计、布置与评价方面,结合教学实际作一研究。 As an effective feedback,assignments can reflect students' attitudes towards learning,initiative in learning and creativity of thinking.This essay draws a comparison between current assignments of specialized courses and the traditional ones as well as analyzing the design,assignment and assessment of the assignments for specialized courses combined with practical teaching situation.
作者 李虎
出处 《重庆电力高等专科学校学报》 2011年第3期24-26,共3页 Journal of Chongqing Electric Power College
关键词 高职教育 旅游及酒店管理专业 作业 评价 higher vocational education tourism and hotel management assignments assessment
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  • 1俞敏燕.关于高职艺术设计类专业课程考核方式的几点思考[DB/OL].http://www.zjyyc.com/ysx/2009/0622/article_296.html,2009-06-02/2011-03-15.
  • 2无忧论文网.英国课程作业对我国的启示[DB/OL].http://www.51lunwen.eom/jyjxlw/2010/0223/1w201002231123039949.html,2010-02-23/2011-03-15.
  • 3周可宝.网络环境下高职高专英语课程作业模式研究.电大英语快迅,2009,(3).


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