

Based on the algorithm of information hiding MIMO capacity analysis
摘要 针对基于SISO信道的信息隐藏系统模型的信道容量有限,不利于扩展信息隐藏容量的问题,提出了基于MIMO的信息隐藏系统容量模型,通过容量分析可以得出该系统信息隐藏容量可以突破现有文献中给出的容量限。通过该研究,为信息隐藏容量研究提供新的思路,为信息隐藏新算法的设计提供理论参考。 Based on the information hiding SISO channel model is limited, the channel capacity expansion of infor- mation hiding capacity. In this paper the hidden information system based on MIMO capacity model, in the capacity of analyzing reflected on the theory of channel capacity MIMO hidden information capacity can break the existing lit- erature in capacity. Through the study of information hiding capacity, the research provides new ideas, new algo- rithm for information hiding is designed to provide theoretical reference.
作者 刘帅 张星
出处 《河南城建学院学报》 CAS 2011年第3期45-46,50,共3页 Journal of Henan University of Urban Construction
关键词 多输入多输出 信息隐藏 容量 MIMO information hiding capacity
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