
大家风范 不拘一格——漫议赵季平的音乐创作 被引量:6

A Great Master of Music with Unique Style:A Random Talk on Zhao Jiping's Music Compositions
摘要 我国现当代作曲家中,真正由“必然王国”进入“自由王国”者为数不多,赵季平便是其中的佼佼者。笔者无论从人民音乐出版社策划、出版〈中国当代作曲家曲库》(作品遴选和总谱)过程中以及在多次聆听赵季平作品音乐会上,感受最深的是他众多音乐作品总有一种震撼人心。 Of the few contemporary Chinese composers who have truly entered the Realm of Freedom from the Realm of Necessity,Zhao Jiping is obviously the leading one.I am always impressed by the striking charms of artistic beauty in so many of his music works,which can be found not only in the Collection of Works by Contemporary Chinese Composers published by the People's Music Publishing House,but also in many of the concerts of works by Zhao Jiping.His music compositions,ranging from the so-called music of high taste,such as symphony,orchestral pieces for Chinese instruments,symphonic poems,dance dramas and art songs,to the music for films and TV dramas with popular themes,are often combinations of both innovations and traditions,with so much vivid music language absorbed from the rich soil of folk music that makes his music peculiar and meaningful.To the audience,what a composer means the most is his music.But very often,they are more familiar with those artists or performing groups in conducting secondary creation,as they are more famous than a real composer for premier creation,who is normally merely a man″ behind the curtain″.But Zhao Jiping seems to be an exception.Of all the composers who came to the fore since the beginning of the opening up and reforms,Zhao is the truly famous one who enjoys popularity both at home and abroad.His name attracted more attention when the film″The Yellow Land″came out on the screen in early 1980's.Since then,he went on to write music for over forty films such as'The Red Sorghum″,″ Ju Dou″,″The Red Lanterns″,″Qiuju Goes to the Court″,″The Five Women and One Rope″,″The True Hearted″and ″Kong Fansen″directed by Zhang Yimo and other well-known directors,as well as many TV dramas such as″Heroes of the Marshes″,″Swordsman″,″The Grand Mansion Gate″,and″The Qiao's Grand Courtyard″.He also wrote music for dance dramas such as″The Smoke in the Grand Desert″(premiered in Taipei) and″The Old Summer Palace″(premiered in Beijing).Due to his cooperation with the film director Zhang Yimo from the 1980's to the 1990's,and with the rapid growth of the films and TV dramas,his name is getting as famous as Zhang Yimo,and perhaps from the perspective of music,he is more well-known than Zhang Yimo because of the greater popularity of his music among the Chinese audience.
作者 朴东生
出处 《人民音乐》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期20-21,95-96,共2页 People’s Music
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