

Feasibility of Combined Use of Diazepam and Midazolam in Single-operating Colonoscopy
摘要 目的观察地西泮和咪唑安定在单人操作法电子结肠镜检查的联合应用方面的效果和安全性。方法广州市红十字会医院2010年8月至10月单人操作法的结肠镜检查患者共152例,分为两组,镇静组78例,对照组74例。镇静组在结肠镜检查前静脉注射地西泮和咪唑安定,比较两组患者检查成功率及到达盲肠的时间,记录检查前后的血压、心率、血氧饱和度及满意度情况。结果镇静组在成功率、进镜时间及满意度方面均优于对照组,两者比较有统计学差异,安全性方面两组无统计学差异。结论地西泮和咪唑安定在单人操作法电子结肠镜检查的联合应用效果确切,使用安全。 Objective To investigate the feasibility of the combined use of diazepam and midazolam in single-operating colonoscopy.Methods Totally 152 patients for single-operating colonoscopy were divided into two groups: 78 patients for sedation group and 74 patients for control group.Patients in sedation group were intravenously injected diazepam and midazolam.Changes of blood pressure,heart rate,and blood oxygen saturation in both groups were observed,running time,achievement ratio,adverse reaction and the ratio of satisfaction were recorded during the colonoscopy.Results The sedation group is better than that of control group in running time,achievement ratio,and the ratio of satisfaction.There are not adverse reactions in two groups.Conclusions The feasibility of the combined use of diazepam and midazolam in single-operating is safe,effective and higher ratio of satisfaction
出处 《医药论坛杂志》 2011年第9期21-22,27,共3页 Journal of Medical Forum
关键词 地西泮 咪唑安定 结肠镜 应用 Diazepam Midazolam Single - operating eolonoscopy
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