

Study on Tolerance of Four Setaria spp.to Mesotrione·Atrazine 550 g/L SC
摘要 采用室内生物测定方法研究了金色狗尾草[Setaria glauca(L.)Beauv.]、莠狗尾草[Setaria geniculata(Lam.)Beauv.]、狗尾草[Setaria viridis(L)Beauv.]和大狗尾草(Setaria faberriHerrm.)对除草剂550 g/L硝磺.莠去津SC的耐受性差异。结果表明:狗尾草属的不同种对550 g/L硝磺.莠去津的耐受性有较大差异。在相同剂量下,大狗尾草耐受性最强,其次为狗尾草,而金色狗尾草最敏感。550 g/L硝磺.莠去津825 g a.i./hm2剂量下对1叶龄的大狗尾草鲜重抑制率为17.2%,对同叶龄狗尾草、莠狗尾草和金色狗尾草的相应鲜重抑制率分别为99.3%、99.7%和99.8%。随着狗尾草属杂草叶龄的增大,550 g/L硝磺.莠去津对其鲜重抑制率降低。550 g/L硝磺.莠去津对狗尾草属杂草鲜重抑制率较其单一组分硝磺草酮和莠去津单独使用时明显提高。 The tolerant difference of Setaria glauca(L.) Beauv.,Setaria geniculata(Lam.) Beauv.,Setaria viridis(L.) Beauv.and Setaria faberri Herrm.to mesotrione·atrazine 550 g/L SC was investigated in the bioassay method.The results showed that there was a dramatical difference of tolerance to mesotrione·atrazine 550 g/L SC among the four Setaria spp.species.Under the same dosage,Setaria faberri Herrm.was the most tolerant weed,Setaria viridis(L.) Beauv.was the second one and Setaria glauca(L.) Beauv.was the most sensitive species.Under the dosage of 825 g a.i./hm2,the inhibiting rate of mesotrione·atrazine 550 g/L to the 1 leaf-age Setaria faberri Herrm.was only 17.2%,while Setaria glauca(L.) Beauv.,Setaria geniculata(Lam.) Beauv and Setaria viridis(L.) Beauv.which were at the 1 leaf-age were reached to 99.3%,99.7% and 99.8% respectively.The inhibiting rate of mesotrione·atrazine 550 g/L to the fresh weight of four Setaria spp.decreased as the leaf age of the four Setaria spp.increasing.The inhibiting rate of mesotrione·atrazine 550 g/L SC to the Setaria spp.increased more significantly than that of atrazine and mesotrione which were used alone at each leaf stages of four Setaria spp.weeds.
出处 《杂草科学》 2011年第2期10-13,共4页 Weed Science
基金 农业部农药安全性检测与评价项目
关键词 550g/L硝磺·莠去津SC 狗尾草属 耐受性 鲜重抑制率 mesotrione·atrazine 550 g/L SC Setaria spp. tolerance inhibiting rate of fresh weight
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