

Glyphosate Tolerance Comparision of Field Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) Population from Different Areas
摘要 在温室条件下,研究了草甘膦对北京、河北等地田旋花种群生长及其莽草酸含量变化的影响。结果表明,不同地区田旋花种群对草甘膦具有普遍的耐受能力,其中河北元氏的田旋花种群对草甘膦的耐受能力最强,GR50值为4 014.92 g a.i./hm2;北京海淀田旋花种群对草甘膦相对敏感,GR50值为957.65 g a.i./hm2。经922.5 ga.i./hm2草甘膦处理后,耐药性最高的河北元氏田旋花种群体内莽草酸含量累积缓慢,处理后14 d所受伤害能自行恢复并保持正常生长;敏感的北京海淀田旋花种群体内莽草酸迅速积累,在处理后7 d莽草酸含量达到最高值,植株生长受到一定程度的抑制。田旋花体内莽草酸含量与其耐药性高低呈负相关,因此可以通过检测田旋花经草甘膦处理后体内莽草酸的含量来明确不同地区田旋花对草甘膦耐受水平的高低。 Effects of glyphosate on growth and shikimiac acid content of field bindweed(Convolvulus arvensis) in Beijing and Hebei province population were studied under greenhouse.Field bindweed populations in different areas presented a widely tolerance to glyphosate.Hebei yuanshi population presented the maximal tolerance to glynhosate with a GR50 value of 957.65 g a.i./hm2,while Beijing haidian population presented a relatively sensitivety to glyphosate with a GR50 value of 957.65 g a.i./hm2.Shikimic acid accumulation in hebei yuanshi population was slow and the plants could be recorered to maintain normal growth after 14 days for glyphosate treatment with a dosage of 922.5 g a.i./hm2;nevertheless,that of Beijing haidian population rapidly reached to maximum value after 7 days for glyphosate treatment and the plant growth was inhibited to some extent.Shikimic acid content and accumulation and tolearance to glyphosate in field bindweed presented a negative relationship,so the level of glyphosate tolerance of field bindweed in different population could be determined by detecting the content of shikimic acid after glyphosate treatment.
出处 《杂草科学》 2011年第2期40-42,共3页 Weed Science
基金 国家转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(编号:2009ZX08012-025B)
关键词 田旋花 草甘膦 耐药性 莽草酸 Convolvulus arvensis glyphosate tolerance shikimic acid
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