
短期留学教育的跨文化适应实证研究 被引量:3

An Empirical Study on the Cross-cultural Adaptation during Short-term Overseas Study
摘要 文章通过问卷调查和深度访谈研究泰国学生在短期来华留学过程的跨文化沟通态度和跨文化沟通焦虑程度的变化关系。结果发现,短期留学后,跨文化沟通焦虑程度减少,但跨文化沟通态度却朝负面方向发展。本研究通过访谈发现了与此相关的影响因素有:主流文化社会支持的缺乏、生活变化、留学经验、外语能力及成就动机等。 This study focused on the cross-cultural adaptation of some Thai students attending a short-term study in China.86 Thai students from Prince of Songkla University were taken as the research subjects.Through the questionnaire survey and in-depth interview,the study found that there were some factors affecting their cross-cultural adaptation,including their attitude towards cross-cultural communication and the related worries.The research also found that the short-term study abroad could reduce their worries over cross-cultural communication but their attitude towards cross-cultural communication changed negatively.The major factors included the lack of the support of host culture,changes in lifestyle and the lack of overseas study experience,foreign language skills and achievement motivation.
出处 《云南师范大学学报(对外汉语教学与研究版)》 2011年第4期81-88,共8页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University(Teaching & Studying Chinese as a Foreign Language Edition)
关键词 短期留学 跨文化适应 在华泰国留学生 实证研究 short-term study abroad cross-cultural adaptation Thai students studying in China empirical study
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