Aims The wild populations of Dendrobium sinense are under the threat of extinction due to over-collection and habitat destruction.Effective ex-situ propagation may help boosting the wild populations.Our aim is to find the factors which can promote seed germination and production of symbiotic seedlings whhich also guide for artificial cultivation,reintroduction and protect wild resources. Methods Seeds harvested from wild plants of D.sinense in Bawangling natural reserve,were sowed on the host trees as follows,Syzygium buxifolium,Rhododendron moulmainense,Podocarpus neriifoliu,Cyclobalanopsis blake and Exbucklandia tonkinensi at July and September respectively.The seed germination and procedure of protocorm development were observed mothly. Important findings Germination rate of D.Sinense varied from the host trees.100 percentage of seed germination in Rhododendron moulmainense is investigated while 57.14% and 33.33% in Syzygium buxifolium and Podocarpus neriifoliu,but the control host trees with Cyclobalanopsis blake and Exbucklandia tonkinensi s has no seed germination;Conract to the protocorms formation rate is 14.71 per host plant of Rhododendron moulmainense,Syzygium buxifolium and Podocarpus neriifoliu has 2.71 and 6.33 procorms in one host plant respectively.Seed germination and protocorms formation have colse relationship to the sowing period but varying from the host tree.,such as Rh.moulmainense and P.neriifoliu,has a highr protocorms formation rae in July.but on the other hand,the case happen to the S.buxifolium in Semptember with 4.5 protcorms in one host treet.The results indicated that rainy season would be the best sowing period for D.Sinense.Finally,the distance ranged from upside 30 cm to downside 40 cm away from the wild orchid individual in host trees on which protocorms is inclined to be indouced,which also show that it is suitalbe for possible site for sowing
Tropical Forestry
Dendrobium sinense symbiotic germination orchid mycorrhiazal fungi specific host tree Dendrobium sinense