抄表行业已经得到了蓬勃的发展,这主要得益于各种成熟的总线技术,包括485总线、M_BUS总线。基于M_BUS总线的抄表系统以其通讯速率高、通讯距离远、可远程供电等特点得到了广泛的应用。开发了M_BUS通讯协议以实现抄表系统数据的抄收。为了保证M_BUS协议的正确性并验证该协议是否实现了既定功能,使用VC++集成开发环境(IDE,Integrated Development Environment)开发了一个M_BUS测试软件。通过该测试软件将B2命令、B3命令、B4命令等命令通过串口发送到基站,测试这些命令是否正确。
Meter reading system industry develops vigorously because of so many bus technologies such as 485 bus, MBUS and so on. Meter reading system based on M_BUS has been widely applied because it communicates with high speed and long distance, powers with long distance. The paper makes M_BUS logo for meter reading system to exchange meter data. The paper develops M_BUS test application with VC++ so that it can test whether MBUS logo is correct and accomplish expected functions. It sends commands in MBUS logo such as B2, B3, B4 commands and so on to collector and test they are correct or not.