
Kad网络的联合污染模型 被引量:1

Joint pollution model in Kad network
摘要 将Kad网络中的关键词污染和文件源污染结合起来,使用状态转移分析的方法构造了一种联合污染模型。模型中综合考虑了污染程度、退出率、等待率等因素。对模型的仿真实验数据显示,受到联合污染时,Kad网络中查询失败的用户数远大于查询成功的用户数,并随着时间的增加而趋于稳定。在影响联合污染效果的若干因素中,污染程度对联合污染的效果有决定性的影响,退出率的影响次之,等待率的影响最小。 In this paper,a joint pollution model,which combined the pollution of keyword and the pollution of location,was proposed.The degree of pollution,the rate of exit and the rate of waiting were taken into account in the model.The simulation results show that the quantity of user of querying failed is much larger than the quantity of user of querying successfully by the impact of joint pollution and become stable with time increasing.The degree of pollution is the key factor which influence the effect of the joint pollution,the effect of exit rate is smaller than the degree of pollution and the effect of waiting rate is the smallest.
作者 孔劼 蔡皖东
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期2152-2155,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家863计划项目(2009AA01Z424)
关键词 KAD网络 对等网 关键词污染 文件源污染 联合污染模型 状态转移 Kad network Peer-to-Peer(P2P) keyword pollution file source pollution joint pollution model state transfer
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