Knowledge exchange and transfer are key means for the organization to acquire knowledge and hence promote its knowledge stock and competitive competence, which has attracted more attention from many knowledge managers. This paper starts with this issue and focuses on the different learning styles of individuals within the organization. The individuals involved are divided into two types, i.e. active learner or passive learner, whose learning attitude, behavior and knowledge stock will be changed during the process of knowledge exchange. The knowledge to be exchanged is expressed by a multi-dimensional vector. Hereby, a cellular automata knowledge transfer model is proposed to study the influence of structure of neighborhood, the ratio of initial active learners, the people movement and expert introduction mechanisms on the performance of knowledge transfer processes by using two kinds of rules which are the state update rule and the knowledge exchange rule respectively. Simulation results show that the local interactions between individuals at the micro-level reveal some complex properties like self-organization at the macro-level within the organization. The structure of Moore neighborhood is more effective on the knowledge exchange and transfer within the organization, and the growth of the average knowledge stock is going up with the increase of the ratio of initial active learners. Both the people movement and the expert introduction mechanisms can improve the performance of knowledge transfer and knowledge stocks. Besides, the growth of the average knowledge stock is proportional to the self-learning ability of individuals.
Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information
knowledge transfer, cellular automata, people movement, expert introduction