
溃疡性结肠炎的循证治疗 被引量:4

Evidence-Based Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis
摘要 目的借助于循证医学的方法为溃疡性结肠炎患者选择药物治疗提供依据,并确定治疗目标及治疗方案。方法在充分评估病人的情况后,提出临床问题,从CochraneLibrary、PubMed、http://sumsearchuthscsa.edu/searchform4.htm、万方数据库检索相关证据,检索时间为2000-2010年。对所获证据进行评价,并结合病人意愿为患者制定治疗方案,随访患者。结果共检索出相关的随机对照试验79篇,系统评价和Meta分析35篇。通过对检索结果进行分析并结合患者的意愿,为患者制定了合理的治疗方案。经过2年的随访证实,该方案适合患者。结论采用循证治疗的方法,为成年男性溃疡性结肠炎患者确定合理的治疗方案和治疗目标,能有效地治疗溃疡性结肠炎。 Objective To formulate an evidence-based treatment plan for a patient newly diagnosed ulcerative colitis. Methods After clinical problems were put forward, systematic reviews, meta analysis and randomized controlled trials were collected from the Cochrane Library, sumseareh, Wanfang datebase and PubMed (2000 to 2010). Treatment protocol was produced by combining the evidence and the values of the patient. Results A total of 79 RCTs and 35 systematic reviews were identified. A rational treatment plan was made upon a serious evaluation of the data to control symptoms. After two years follow-up, the plan proved to be optimal. Conclusion The treatment efficacy in diagnosed ulcerative colitis has been improved by determining an individual treatment plan according to evidence-based methods.
出处 《循证医学》 CSCD 2011年第3期164-168,共5页 The Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine
关键词 溃疡性结肠炎 循证治疗 随机对照试验 系统评价 META分析 ulcerative colitis evidence-based treatment randomized controlled trial systematic reviews metaanalysis
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