A key step in the management of community acquired pneumonia (CAP) is the initial assessment of tbe severity of the disease. An accurate assessment helps clinicians determine the site of care. Over the past decade, anumherof prognostic (severity) scores have been derived and validated, and subsequenlly incorporated into clinical practice. However, how severe CAP should be defined remains unclear. The Infectious Disease Society of America and the American Thoracic Society issued guidelines in 2007 which defined severe CAP:when one of two major criteria or three of nine minor criteria are fulfilled. The individual minor criteria for severe CAP are of unequal weight in predicting mortality and intensive care unit (ICU) admission. A marked discrepancy with the weight between studies is observed. Because ICU resources are often scarce in many institutions, patients with CAP who would really or maximumly beriefit from ICU care should be identified by clinicians. The determination of the weight of the nine minor criteria provides pivotal discriminative information.
International Journal of Respiration