探讨不同DNA源作基因多态性分析的优缺点,及以血凝块裂解液直接进行PCR扩增的可行性 和可靠性。方法:从口腔粘膜细胞、组织切片提取DNA,并将临床生化分析遗弃的血凝块制备成裂解液和纯化 DNA,取各自样本分别进行PCR扩增,并进一步对血凝块纯化DNA和血凝块裂解液所作的PCR扩增作对照研究。 结果:本研究使用的不同DNA源所作的PCR扩增均获得满意结果,以血凝块裂解液进行的GSTM1,GSTT1和 CYP2E1基因多态性分析均获得成功,其结果与纯化DNA进行分析观察到的结果完全一致。结论:同组织细胞纯 化的DNA一样,血凝块是理想的DNA源,用血凝块裂解液直接进行基因多态性分析,方法简明,结果可靠。
To probe reliability about blood clot as a DNA source for studying genetic polymorphism of human carcinoge-metabolizing enzymes. Methods: Different DNA templates (from oral mucosa cell, tissue slides and blood clot) were used in PCR amplification, to polymorphism analysis, bled clot lysate was compared with its purified DNA by PCR.Re. sults: All PCR amplification were successful, polymorphism analysis of GSTMI, GSTT1, and CYP2E1 (PstI, RsaI, and DraI) using the blood clot lysate was demonstrated to be successful for all 20 samples examples. For all these blood clot sameles, the concordance rate of PCR-based identification was 100% for direct use of clot lysate in comparison to use of purified DNA, Conclusion: Like Purified DNA, lysate prepared from a blood clot can be directly used for PCR amplification and it is a valuable DNA source for PCR-based genetic.
Henan Medical Research