目的 :探讨后颅窝CT薄扫对脑干出血的诊断价值。方法 :用常规CT扫描法与后颅窝CT薄扫法对比分析 ,薄扫法为除常规法外 ,从丘脑上缘向下连续扫描至延髓下端为止 ,实时放大层厚5mm ,间隔 5mm。结果 :常规法检查 2 1例阳性 15例 ,阳性率 71% ;而薄扫法 31例 ,阳性 31例 ,阳性率 10 0 %。X2 =10 .4 ,P <0 .0 1。结论 :对脑干出血的检查薄扫法优于常规法。
OBJECTIVE:to approach the advantage of the postcranial cavity thin scanning method in diagnosing brain stem haemorrhage. METHODS:compara the postctanial cavity thin scanning method with the regular CT scanning method and make some analysis. The postcranial cavity thin scanning method means that in addition to the regular scanning method,we also continuously scan from the upper edge of the diencephalon down to the bottom of the medulla oblongata with real-time magnifying a layer of 5mm thin and with a scanning interval of 5mm.RESULTS:21 cases were examined by regular scanning method, 15 cases were found positive with positive percentage of 71%; while 31 cases by the postcranial cavity thin scanning method, 31 cases were found positive with positive percentage 100%.X=10.4,P<0.01.CONCLUSION:in examination and diagnosis of the brain stem haemorrhage, the thinly scanning method is better than the regular scanning method and is worth of being popularized.
Aerospace Medicine
CT thin Svanning method brdin stem brain haemorrhage