
翼型尾流场湍流特征的水筒PIV测试分析研究 被引量:1

Experimental investigation of turbulent flow characteristics of airfoil model wake by PIV in Cavitation Tunnel
摘要 翼型尾流场是一个典型的湍流场。文章在CSSRC空泡水筒中采用PIV技术对翼型尾流场进行了大子样试验测量,获得翼型尾流场的时均速度、雷诺应力、脉动速度均方根、湍流强度和平均涡量等统计特征量,并将试验结果与美国Notre Dame大学风洞试验结果作了比较,吻合较好。文中还利用PIV测量瞬时速度场计算了脉动速度空间相关系数和湍流积分尺度,分析了翼型尾流场湍流积分尺度与湍流强度的分布特征及湍流演化规律。 The wake of an airfoil model is a typical turbulent flow field.In this paper,a large number of samples were captured from the wake of an airfoil model by PIV technique in the large cavitation tunnel of CSSRC.And then some statistic characteristics such as time-averaged velocity,Reynolds stress,root-mean-square velocity,turbulent intensity and mean vorticity are obtained by processing these samples.The experimental results are compared with those from the Wind Tunnel of Notre Dame University US and a good agreement is achieved.The spatial correlation coefficient of fluctuating velocity and the corresponding turbulent length scale are calculated firstly by using instantaneous velocity field from PIV experiment,and then the distribution trait of these two parameters as well as the turbulence evolution law in the wake of the airfoil model are analyzed.
出处 《船舶力学》 EI 北大核心 2011年第7期730-738,共9页 Journal of Ship Mechanics
关键词 翼型尾流 湍流 PIV 统计特征量 湍流积分尺度 wake of airfoil model turbulence PIV statistic characteristics turbulent length scale
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