
Cu^(2+)对泥鳅精子运动的影响 被引量:2

Effects of Cu^(2+) to Sperm Motility of the Loach
摘要 以泥鳅精子为受试材料,应用计算机辅助精子分析(CASA),研究不同浓度Cu2+暴露对运动型精子和静止型精子的毒性。结果显示,运动型精子和静止型精子暴露在10μM的Cu2+中,两者运动能力均受到明显抑制;在30μM及以下浓度中运动型精子受影响程度较静止型精子大,而在更高浓度中出现相反结果。表明泥鳅精子对Cu2+毒性较敏感,不同能量代谢状态时其敏感性不同;Cu2+对泥鳅精子运动能力有较大影响,对淡水鱼具有潜在生殖毒性。 To understand the sensitivity of sperm from freshwater fishes to Cu2+ on different moving conditions,the motility of the moving sperm and the resting sperm of the loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus were examined by a computer-assisted semen analyzer(CASA).The percentage,the duration and the relative velocity of sperm movement were determined at post-activation respectively,after the sperm had been incubated in solutions containing Cu2+(10 μM,30 μM,60 μM and 100 μM) for 0 h or 2 h,basing on the preliminary experiment.The results showed that the motility of both the moving sperm and the resting sperm were reduced significantly.However,the motility of the moving sperm was much more strongly affected at low concentrations of Cu2+(10 μM,30 μM).So did the motility of the resting sperm at high concentrations(60 μM,100 μM).These results suggested that the loach sperm was sensitive to Cu2+,and the sensitivity of the moving sperm was different from that of the resting sperm.And Cu2+ was harmful for the loach sperm,which might adverse to reproduction of freshwater fishes.
出处 《四川动物》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期556-559,共4页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 山东省自然科学基金课题(ZR2010CM048)
关键词 CU2+ 泥鳅 精子运动 毒性 Cu2+ loach sperm motility toxicity
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