
臂丛神经磁共振IDEALT2WI和CUBEFlexT2WI成像 被引量:12

Imaging of the Brachial Plexus with IDEAL and CUBE FlexT2-Weighted Imaging
摘要 目的比较磁共振脂肪抑制FSET2WI、STIRT2WI、IDEALT2WI及CUBEFlexT2WI4种方法显示正常臂丛神经的优劣。资料与方法对14例自愿者行臂丛神经MRI脂肪抑制FSET2WI、STIRT2WI、IDEALT2WI及CUBEFlexT2WI检查。对图像脂肪抑制质量进行肉眼分级评估,并测量信噪比和对比噪声比。结果 IDEALT2WI、CUBEFlexT2WI脂肪抑制质量明显优于FSET2WI(P<0.05),与STIRT2WI相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。信噪比、对比噪声比均值比较各组间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),IDEALT2WI>CUBEFlexT2WI>FSET2WI>STIRT2WI。IDEALT2WI和CUBEFlexT2WI图像均可选择不同厚度重建、斜面重建等,从而可显示臂丛神经各段。结论 IDEALT2WI、CUBEFlexT2WI能提供均匀稳定的脂肪抑制,图像信噪比高,可清晰显示臂丛神经。 Purpose To compare the methods of iterative decomposition of water and fat with echo asymmetry and least-squares estimation(IDEAL),Cube Flex methods with fat-saturated T2-weighted-imaging(T2WI),fast spin-echo(FSE) and short-TI inversion recovery(STIR) imaging of the brachial plexus.Materials and Methods Images were acquired at 3.0T scanner in 14 volunteers.Fat-saturated FSE T2WI and STIR images were compared with IDEAL T2WI images and Cube Flex-T2WI images.Results IDEAL T2WI and Cube Flex-T2WI demonstrated similar fat suppression quality compared with STIR(P 〉0.05) and better than fat-saturated FSE T2WI(P 〈 0.05).Signal noise ratio and contrast noise ratio of brachial plexus showed signif icant difference in the following sequences:IDEAL T2WI〉Cube Flex T2WI〉FSE T2WI〉STIR(P 〈0.05).Images of IDEAL T2WI and Cube Flex T2WI reconstructed with different slice thickness could clearly demonstrate brachial plexus.Conclusion IDEAL T2WI and Cube Flex T2WI can provide high signal noise ratio images with reliable and uniform fat suppression for clearly imaging the brachial plexus.
出处 《中国医学影像学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期499-502,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging
关键词 臂丛 磁共振成像 脂肪抑制 Brachial plexus; Magnetic resonance imaging; Fat suppression;
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