目的:高原低氧性肺动脉高压的创伤性检测受诸多因素限制,为此力求探索一种科学、简易和实用的方法,便于在基层及群体调研时估测。方法:应用一些无创性方法,结合高原特点加以分析,并与心导管术获得的参数对比,筛选有科学价值者建立判定数学式回归方程,并实际验证。结果和结论:提出6 种方法:①肺泡气——血气推导法,在Cudkow icz及宁学寒单纯肺泡气法基础上作了很大修善,认为简易、准确性、敏感性都较好;②测量右下肺动脉干横径间接推导法也较实用,建立了回归方程;③心机械图无创性检测法;④超声心动图无创检测法;⑤肺阻抗血流图无创检测法;⑥心电轴无创检测法。后四种方法在不同条件下也可应用,但精确性不如前2项。
At high altitudes,especially in the field to determine the pulmonary artery pressure by invasive technique(right heart catheterization)is limit for many factors,and may always be impossible.So should be explore a noninvasive,simple and practical method.Methods:We used some noninvasive techniques to determine PAP at high altitude,and compared with the invasive technique by catheterization.The values of PAP between the two techniques was compared,and a regressive equation for each method was established.Results and Conclusion:There are six techniques could be applied:(1)Alveolar-blood gas calculated method,it is a simple,quick and accurate at figures;(2)The determination of the transverse diameter of the right lower pulmonary artery in chest X-ray is a easy and practical technique;(3)Examined by Mechanocardiography;(4)Examined by Echocardiography;(5)Examined with pulmonary electrical impedance;and (6)Calculated the electrocardiograghic axis of ECG.The latter four techniques also could be used in the altitude field and population survey,however,the precision is lower than the former two.$$$$
Journal of High Altitude Medicine
Noninvasive technique
Pulmonary atery pressure
High altitude