目的:分析肝海绵状血管瘤的螺旋CT表现特点,探讨应用螺旋双期或三期增强扫描鉴别肝内实性占位灶的价值。方法:对48 例患者CT平扫发现肝内占位病灶后采用螺旋CT增强扫描。造影剂单相注射,每秒3~3.5 m l,每例50~80 m l。第一相全肝螺旋增强扫描在造影剂注入后20~25 s开始,第二相60~70 s,延迟5~15m in 对病灶所在的层面进行扫描。结果:58 个病灶平扫均为境界清楚的低密度区,增强后43 例(89.58% )于动脉期出现病灶边缘部致密的结节状或斑块状强化,门静脉期扫描增强区域扩大或整个结节增强。延迟扫描病灶全部强化或绝大部分强化,密度与肝实质相等或稍高。3 例(6.26% )动脉期表现为致密强化结节影(直径< 2cm ), 门静脉期结节密度变淡,延迟扫描病变与肝脏等密度。2 例(4.16% )动脉期未见病灶强化,门静脉期病灶稍小,延迟扫描病变呈等密度灶。结论:肝海绵状血管瘤的特征表现是增强早期病灶边缘区的结节状致密强化。
Objective: To analyse the spiral CT features of HCH and evaluate the value of dual phase or triple phase enhanced spiral scanning used for differential diagnosis of hepatic tumors. Methods: 48 patients with HCH were examined with helical CT,including 30 men and 18 females, ranged 23~56 years old. Contrast enhancement was admitted after plain scan. The first spiral scanning was initiated at 20~25 sec, the second phase at 60~70 sec and delay phase during 5~15 min after the start of contrast medium injection(per sec 3~3.5ml, per case 50~80ml). Results: The 58 lesions appeared hypodence areas with clear border on plain CT. Most of them (43 cases) revealed peripheral and noncontinuous globular enhancement isodenced with aorta at arterial stage. Then the enhanced areas expanded at the portal venous phase. Finally the whole lesion became slightly hyperdensed or isodensed during delay phase. The rest cases also showed isodense or slightly hypodense during delay scanning although the findings during early stages were confused. Conclusion: The spiral CT features of HCH were peripheral globular enhancement of the focal densidies. The differential points from other hepatic tumors were slightlyhypodense or isodense with normal liver parachyma at delay enhancement scanning phase.
Journal of Xinjiang Medical University
hepatic tumor, hepatic caverous hemangiomas, spiral CT, enhancement scan