目的探讨高速内窥镜摄像及相关分析技术在评价声带功能中的临床应用可行性。方法 2008年1~12月来我科门诊患者中,随机收集正常发声及具有典型体征者111例,分为4组(其中1组为正常发声者)。在相同的检查条件下用高速内窥镜摄影记录被检者发声时声带振动动态图像,使用KIPS软件中的PointFFT测定声带4个参考点的振动频率及振幅,收集数据进行分析比较,并用SPSS软件进行统计学分析。结果所有的被检者,在各自组别中双侧声带4个参考点的平均振动频率值相近,差异无统计学意义。声带小结组患者一侧声带前中1/3交界处的平均振幅均大于同侧中点的振幅,差异有统计学意义;声带麻痹组患者一侧中点的平均振幅均大于同侧声带前中1/3交界处的振幅,差异有统计学意义。结论高速内窥镜摄像技术是研究声带振动机制的客观定量分析工具,能发现常规检查难以发现的生理或病理改变,将来可能成为评价声带功能最有效的临床手段。
Objective To explore more accurate objective methods for further insights into the biomechanics of vocal fold vibrations via high-speed videoendoseopy(HSV). Methods One hundred and eleven outpatients were collected during Jan to Dec in 2008. They were divided into four groups including one normal group according to the illness. Every one was examined via HSV,then be stored as AVI files. KIPS was used to analyze each file to acquire volume of frequence and amplitude of the four reference points. Results The average volume of frequence among each group was similar and had no significant difference, while the average amplitude in two groups (including paresis and vocal nodules) had significant difference. Conclusions HSV would possibly become an objective quantification tool which enable assessment of voice disorders in the diagnosis and management of vocal fold pathology.
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology
Vocal fold vibrations
High-speed videoendoscopy
Point fast fourier transform