Objective:This study was aimed to evaluate the effects on the vascular calcification of low protein diet supplemented with α-ketoacids(LPD+α-KA) in comparison with normal protein diet(NPD) in adenine induced CRF rat model.Methods:Eighteen male Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups:1.control(n=6);2 NPD-CRF(n=6),feeding a synthetic diet containing 0.75% adenine and 22% casein;3.LPD+ KA(casein 4%+ KA 2%),n=6.All the rats were sacrificed at week 6.Serum creatinine,BUN,calcium and phosphorus were measured.HE and Von kossa stain of aorta ventralis was performed to observe the vascular calcification.Results:Lowering the protein content of the diet from 22 to 4% supplemented with 2% α-KA dramatically decreased the extent of aorta ventralis calcification and the levels of serum phosphate and BUN in uremic rats,increased the serum calcium level simultaneously without significantly affecting the elevation in serum creatinine and Ca x P product.Conclution:This observation suggests that low protein intake with-Ketoacid diet could be a protective factor for medial artery calcification in uremic model.
Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition