
基于案例的CDMA网络故障管理决策支持系统 被引量:3

Case-Based Decision Support System for Fault Management in CDMA Networks
摘要 为了加快CDMA网络维护优化的故障处理效率,持续提升网络质量和改善用户感知,采用案例推理的人工智能方法,建立一种基于案例推理的CDMA网络故障管理决策支持系统,给出了系统总体框架和工作流程,以及各种关键技术的实现方法.以某公司CDMA网络日常管理的部分故障处理记录建立初始案例库,将未存入案例库的多个案例故障记录作为新案例,利用上述设计的CBR系统进行求解.示例运行结果检验了该系统运行的可行性和有效性,能够有效地提升CDMA网络维护优化的故障处理效率. In order to improve the efficiency of CDMA network management,continuously improve the quality of network and satisfy the requirement of consumers,a decision support system for fault management was designed for CDMA network using an artificial intelligence technique which is called case-based reasoning.The overall framework and work flow of the system were given and some key technologies of system implementation were designed.The validity of the proposed system was examined in the test examples where the initial case base was established using some typical daily fault management recorders of a CDMA company and the new cases were generated using the other recorders.The experimental results show the proposed system can enhance the efficiency of CDMA network default management.
出处 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期927-930,943,共5页 Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70721001 71001018) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(N090404020)
关键词 案例推理 CDMA网络 维护优化 故障管理 决策 case-based reasoning CDMA network maintenance and optimization default management decision
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